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Various Posts of mine on Youtube, Yahoo, and Quora from 2023:


Well, I'll believe it when I see it!  It seems to me, that the U.S. has an iron grip hold over the whole world, using merely the power of it's fiat dollar!  How is this possible?  The truth is that I couldn't tell you.  I have hypothesized things ranging from people in other countries being really stupid to put faith in the U.S. fiat dollar, to even the possibility that the U.S. is using mind control to make everyone in the world use its fiat dollar!  Well I can call you, if the U.S. fiat dollar collapses as the world reserve currency, that will utterly destroy the American economy, and may possibly lead to SHTF here in America!  However, there is something very important you need to understand:  Here in America, because the wealthy people have total control over everything, most Americans face a very dim future of increasing autocracy and dictatorship, and even future slavery!  America is not a free country, in fact we have the highest prison population in the entire world, both total size and per capita!  The only way to bring down America's regime of increasing authoritarianism and autocracy, is for the rest of the world to thumb their noses at buying U.S. dollars!  In the short term, it will lead to chaos here in America.  But in the long term, the collapse of the fraudulent U.S. dollar will lead to the restoration of freedoms for Americans!


Well this is a warning sign of what is to come, if we support banning TikTok just because it happens to be a Chinese owned company!  We cannot ban an app just because it is owned by a country that we like to blame for all of our problems, albeit incorrectly!  America's problems were created by America, not China!  We cannot let the sweet talking politicians who actually hate all of us and would put all of us in prison for life to tell us otherwise!  This bill is proof positive that the politicians want to be able to put all of us in prison for the rest of our lives for no reason!

In the past, tax rates on the top earners were at 90%  Today, the politicians on both sides are all very wealthy, and they pretend that they have no understanding of the concept of "progressive taxation"!  The truth is very simple:  Since tax rates on the top earners are now pretty low, it is true that for every dollar less they pay to their workers, management has a dollar more to put in their pockets!  America's economy has become a zero sum game!  The wealthy elite who have consolidated their power and control over society, have a perverse incentive to turn all workers into slaves!  There is almost nothing we can do as the game is fully manipulated against us!  Our only slim hope is to disbelieve and disobey and grow personally stronger!


When I was growing up, 80K was considered an excellent wage.  Yet today, people refuse to update!  They do not understand that 80K 25 years ago would be around $150K today due to inflation alone!  But the truth is, that if you are in California or New York City, you would have to double or triple that number because the cost of living in those places is so much higher!  They want todays workers to basically be slaves!


America did everything they could possibly do to fully alienate me from society and prevent me from ever working!  After I graduated from high school, the SHTF for me!  1. I suddenly was told that school taught knowledge had zero value!  2. I suddenly found out that the teachers had told the exact opposite of the truth about real life!  3. I had been turned into a veritable basket case by being drugged unnecessarily with psychiatric poisons!  Then to make matters worse, people started becoming violent and abusive towards me because they thought that I was the lazy one!  Pretty soon, my previous obedience for 15 years led to America attacking me and labelling me a "felon for life"!  So now, I will refuse to work unless they pay me at least 100k per year!  I see what the crooks out there are being paid, and I am not going to agree to be their slave for mere peanuts!  If they try to force me to work, they will end up having to send me to a maximum security prison for the rest of my life!  I am a male American citizen who has been lied to and discriminated against all my life yet America wants to give "reparations" to people who were never actually slaves, and they want to for example only encourage females to become future engineers!  I learned more than 98% of the students in school, but now I know that I would have been much better off had I disobeyed and disbelieved this fake and lying society from the very beginning!


March 2023 (not posted due to live chat ending abruptly)
CBDC is scary stuff!  It is nothing like crypto.  CBDC is just a scheme to fully monitor everything we do with money and take away all of our freedoms!


February-March 2023
The population of America is being slowly poisoned by processed food!  It is not just the extremely high sodium content which verifiably causes high blood pressure!  It is also the facts that processed foods have most natural nutrients artificially removed, and serve to increase appetite!  I am ahead of most people and have found the solution!  The only thing that will work is a true dietary revolution!  I mean you have to literally throw away all of your tv dinners and instead consume pasta with beans or nonfat plain Greek yogurt and bananas!


February-March 2023
So I don't know what to tell you.  I don't want there to be a nuclear war, but I am a little worried and I am doing a little bit of prepping.  However, there is not much I can really do since I'm broke!  I will try to do things to prepare that don't cost any money.  But the thing you have to understand is, The U.S. is actually some kind of dictatorship that lies about almost everything!  Many things in this country of the U.S. are totally fake, such as "psychiatry" in which people are drugged with artificial chemicals that cause the exact same disorders they are said to treat!  I have proof!  And of course here in America, they prevent smart people from making a living and they have the highest prison population in the entire world!  I don't want a nuclear war but I'd rather that then be sent to prison for life by America's dictatorship!

February-March 2023
Also I will say: In school, they taught me one set of facts.  After I graduated from high school, they said the exact opposite of everything they taught is true!  They expect I won't notice this complete inversion of everything?  Ha!  This American society are the crazy ones!  How can I possibly even make a living seeing as this entire society is a manipulation specifically against me?  What is their excuse for suddenly saying that everything they taught me is the exact opposite of the truth?  They say I am the lazy and irresponsible one?  Ha!  I am immune to gaslighting!  This society are the insane ones!

February-March 2023
What do you get, when you create a society that lies and tells the exact opposite of the truth about every single thing?  You get modern day America!  They teach us we have "inalienable rights" but then they label us "phe-lons" for life!  They teach us a lot of things in school, but then demand "job skills with fancy names that you have to pay tens of thousands to get" before we can even get a halfway decent job!  America has purposely excluded at least 20% of the population from the workforce and they wonder why they have inflation and a labor shortage.  Better make plans to steel money, as I am making, if you want to survive, because for 20% of the population there is no such thing as getting paid for honest work here in America!

February-March 2023
So obviously, there are a lot of ignorant fools on here who criticize food stamps.  But I'll tell you what:  Your so called "American" society lied to me about everything from an early age and then betrayed me.  I will always refuse to work!  So the fact is that you have two choices:  Either pay me welfare for the rest of my life so I can live in peace as an American Hikikomori, or have your cops hunt me down!  Of course if you pursue the second option, it will be 5 times as costly for your fraudulent American society because you will have to pay to keep me in a Supermax prison for the rest of my life!  It's your choice!  If there's a nuclear war I will laugh myself to death at your utterly foolish society!

February-March 2023

The other thing I wanted to say, is that I am tapering my meds very very slowly, without the doctor's knowledge, and there is no chance that I could ever get a job in this society, nor do I want one!   I'll tell you why:  I went to school and learned almost everything I was taught, and then, afterwards society suddenly said that school has no value to them!  Now if you ask any member of the fully brainwashed and mind controlled population, they would act like its perfectly normal for school knowledge to have zero value!  But I swear to whatever God there might be, that the truth is that when I was going to school, everyone said the exact opposite and adamantly pronounced that school knowledge has enormous value!  So I know what is really happening, and that is that I am in some kind of "Human Zoo" or a zoo they put humans in!  They do not want me to work, which is why they become hostile and attack me every time I do work they tell me to do!

February-March 2023
You are just telling yourself made up pseudoscience because you cannot accept the truth.  The truth is that the "meds" are merely addictive neurotoxins, that make it easier for society to enforce conformity and mass brainwashing.

February-March 2023
Psychiatrists don't do that type of thing.  You have to understand the brainwashing of society to think that you need the meds.  They will never agree to anything but full dosage.  In fact, you have to argue with them just so they don't increase the dosage to the max!

February-March 2023
I would like to think that there is hope, that I could come off the psychiatric drugs slowly and someday feel fully normal.  But there is no scientific evidence that the brain can fully recover from the damage caused by the drugs.  In fact, the scientists are such crooks that they deny the damaging and addictive properties of the "meds"!  But I have to look at it this way:  Society decided that they wanted me to be "sick" all my life.  There is no free will!  If society wants you to be sick, you have to play the role, but you don't have to be the role.  Positive thinking is a delusion and people do better without it!

[But who knows, I am doing very well with my taper and I might just be successful!]

February-March 2023
I am also 42 years old.  I studied hard in school and afterwards, they said that everything I had learned and done was worthless to them.   However I have learned some valuable lessons:  One, there is really no such thing as happiness as all pleasure will be canceled out by pain.  Two, society lies and tells the opposite of the truth about almost everything.  Three, those who do what they are told will only be punished!  Finally, four, the only thing that matters is personal strength, not just physical strength but also street-smarts. What you have to do is disbelieve, disobey, increase your strength, and work on your health.  Finally, make things easy on yourself as there is no reason to struggle too hard.  Don't do anything you don't want to do!  Do you think the other kids in school struggled to do anything?  Hell no!  The other kids coasted through school and learned nothing, but had their grades manipulated upwards by the corrupt professionals!  Then they became wealthy and successful as adults by pretending to know things!

February-March 2023
This is proof positive, that Joe Biden is crazy like a fox!  Joe Biden is always telling lies that he is going to tax the rich like they did in America's glory days, but he knows that he can and will NEVER tax his wealthy donor friends!  Instead, Joe Biden passes tax laws to harass the poor, and surprise, surprise, the amount of tax revenue they can get from the poor is actually very very little!  So now, the U.S. is facing a huge national debt and a bleak outlook for the future because of Washington's fiscal irresponsibility!  But I'll bet you any money that Joe Biden will claim to represent "hope" in 2024.  But false hope combined with a president who is a complete hypocrite would get you no where and only make things worse!

February-March 2023
First of all let me say that your question doesn’t really make sense. However, we have to accept that since we don’t really know what is possible and what isn’t, that anything might be possible. Let me give you a specific example: In school, I learned much more than the other students. I thought that it would be impossible for me to not become highly successful as an adult! Yet after I graduated, the “impossible” happened! Suddenly, they said that school knowledge is worthless and that only college counts. What you have to understand is that in this universe, we may have no control or free will over what happens. We may work hard in school and do very well, only to find that everything in the world is suddenly manipulated to suddenly make us look really dumb! So in truth, anything is possible and almost everything is out of our control!

February-March 2023
Most people are failing in life.  Finally, when your failures accumulate to a certain level, you will die.  All we can do is to do the best we can do at any particular time.  We should simultaneously live in the moment and do the best we can in this very minute, and also work to do well over a period of a year or longer!  It’s impossible to say what you should do without knowing any more details of how you are failing.  Sometimes, we just have to accept that most things are hopeless!

February-March 2023

First of all, you have to think about what able-bodied means. You can be considered able-bodied by the people in charge, but still have physical problems which cause you to experience severe pain when you are forced to work a menial job! You can also have severe mental problems which are not recognized. Secondly, you have to think about the choice faced by people on welfare. “Do I try to get a job which might be very unpleasant or even painful and which I might not be able to do, and which might cause me to permanently lose my welfare or disability safety net?”, or “Do I try to stay on welfare or disability even if it means having to deal with the fascist doctors and quacks whom I hate, because at least I am more likely to get the money I need to survive?” If you are worried that you may not be able to do a menial job over the long term, then welfare or disability is the better option. Did you know that if you are collecting welfare, you need to report any and all job training or career counseling to the government? Did you know that if you lose disability, getting it back will be much more difficult because of changing standards? Life on a fixed income isn’t glamorous, but its much better than living on the street or in a cell. Why give up welfare or disability to get a low wage job where you are forced to do hard labor for the rest of your life? Did you know that there are still a lot of leaders in business who are against there being any minimum wage at all? Finally, since the year 2001, tens of thousands of laws have been passed to prevent people with criminal records from doing various jobs. They want most people to be slaves!

February-March 2023
First of all, forget about self-esteem, it’s stupid. Most theoretical physicists say that there is no such thing as free will. I partially agree with that. There are some things we have control over and some things we don’t. The universe does not always give us the option to be socially or financially successful. Maybe the universe held you back for a reason… Maybe you would feel less happy and less free if you were successful. Love yourself and embrace your reality. Relish the thought that you are a failure! This is a beautiful universe and it wouldn’t be so beautiful if it weren’t for the existence of failure! In fact, if failure did not exist, then the universe would be all gray and dreary and monotonous! You should not really feel idiotic. If you don’t know enough about a particular topic, then learn! You can blame society for your lack of opportunity, but I think that is only their loss! I don't want to give away the secrets of life for free, but I think I just let some of them out of the bag!

February-March 2023

To be honest, I feel the same way that you do. We are taught growing up, that we can do anything we put our mind to! But then when we become adults, we find out that everything is being manipulated against us! It doesn’t matter how well we do in school or how much we learn! They will find a way to make us fail! They may prescribe us addictive drugs of any kind, and then blame us for the effects. They may increase the cost of higher education so that we cannot afford it! They may manipulate our investments to make them go down, and in fact the list of things they may do against us is almost unlimited! We live in a society in transition! Many middle class people are being forced into poverty! Low taxes on the wealthy mean that for every dollar that a wealthy person doesn’t pay us in wages, they have a dollar more in their bank accounts! More and more people will feel hopeless! Just be happy with what you have.

February-March 2023

It is fully true that they want to destroy some of us.  But it has nothing to do with the banks.  Let me explain:  Recently, the wealthy elite solidified their complete takeover of American society.  When the supreme court ruled several years ago, that "dark money" cannot be stopped nor prohibited in any way, they all but guaranteed that "We The People" would lose all control over our country!  Now, think about it!  If you were a member of the wealthy elite ruling class who has consolidated complete economic, political, and social control, what would you do next?  You would significantly decrease wages, significantly increase living expenses, and pass laws to take way people's rights!  That is exactly to the letter what has been happening in the last few years!!!  Now, you see the increased crime and lawlessness.  This is a direct result of the fact that employers both refuse to pay decent wages, and have forcibly kicked about 20% of the population out of the workforce!  There is not going to be a crash.  The wealthy elite fully control the prices of all things and investments!  What is going to happen, is that the population will be squeezed squeezed squeezed until they finally POP!!!

February-March 2023
They drugged me to make me do well in school, and then when I finished school, they suddenly said that nothing I did in school matters!  So now I am left very confused.  I feel like I have been put in a parallel universe!  Unfortunately, since everything is now opposite from school, I am forced to just collect welfare for a living.

February-March 2023
Several years ago, I realized that the purpose of school is to erase people's minds of knowledge rather than to instill people with knowledge!  I am constantly confirming this!  Whenever I mention to a high school graduate or even a college graduate things that were taught in school, they have no idea what I am even talking about!  Unfortunately though, I still do not really  understand why this is happening and I have therefore been forced to withdrawal from society and become an American Hikikomori!

February-March 2023
Do you know why I support President Putin of Russia?  Hint: it is not because I like death and torture.  The fact is that the rise of the fake currencies by millions of times and the corresponding mental manipulation of everything against me proves that nothing is even real!  Since nothing is actually real, I don't have to worry about the supposed deaths and torture.  Putin is one of the few who say things that are true anymore, so I like him!

February-March 2023
So, cryptocurrency is really just a fake thing, but it is still valued at over a trillion dollars.  Who would have guessed this would happen, certainly not me.  Nothing that happens makes sense anymore.  I think I was right all along when I said I am in a "human zoo".  Oh well, just relax.  I started my life with nothing and was abused by others for most of it.  That is not going to change.  If fake things can increase in value by a million times, all that proves is that nothing at all matters!


​February-March 2023

Well, sometimes what you say is actually true.  Not all employers pay "a living wage", and that means that people who work for these employers may often have economic or financial difficulties.  I have to be brutally honest here: First of all, employers often have no recognition of school taught knowledge!  And secondly, true hard work is often punished more than it is rewarded!  The change starts with You!  Do you value people who are actually knowledgeable and helpful, or do you value people who are ignorant and good at pretending to be important?  It is up to all of us to change the corrupt system!

February-March 2023

I may not be qualified to speak for Elon Musk, But As far as I know, Elon Musk did not say that all trains must be underground.   I think the idea that Elon Musk had was an idea that has probably been around for many decades.  The idea is that if you construct tubes and pump out most of the air, Then a train could potentially travel at extremely high speeds.  Of course, constructing such tubes would be very expensive.

February-March 2023

I had a distant relative who had bedbugs in her apartment.  Everyone online says that pesticides don't work any more and that you have to use things like Diatomaceous Earth!  I believe this is a lie!  The professionals sprayed her apartment with special chemicals that only they have, and the bedbugs were all killed!  The only thing you have to understand, is that you should get all of your junk off the floor and organize it into boxes before the professionals come!

February-March 2023

Nah it's not really true.  You can't just claim to be transgender one moment and "normal" the next moment.  I am opposed to woke politics, yet, I understand that the truth about transgenderism actually involves a much deeper issue!  The central issue of transgenderism is whether it is possible for someone to have a "mental gender" that has nothing to do with their biological makeup.  Fact is, I do not believe that mental gender exists!  It is Ironic, that just a few years ago, activists were pushing the idea that men and women are not fundamentally different mentally and can both do the same things just as well!  Now they are claiming that it is the mind which determines whether someone is a man or a woman.  They cannot have it both ways!


February-March 2023

I hate to have to explain this to you, but it is not nearly as simple as you suggest.  Sure, lots of companies claim to be hiring.  But they will only hire people who have certain "job skills with fancy names"!  And of course, those with criminal records need not apply!  But I ask you, if you went to public school for nearly 15 years and were not taught even a single "job skill with a fancy name", then what are you supposed to do?  Of course they will want you to work a minimum wage job doing manual labor for the rest of your life!  Many people may refuse to do a minimum wage job doing manual labor all day.  Many of those people would refuse to do manual labor because they are not capable of doing manual labor!

February-March 2023

I fear we may be looking at Joe Biden's "Mary Antoinette" moment, AKA, "Let Them Eat Cake"!  Some people think that this will make people work harder, but it won't.  These cuts could lead to a surge in violent crime or even home invasions on once safe streets.  Please be more aware of your surroundings when you go outside and make crisis plans on how to deal with a potential home invasion which was almost unthinkable not too long ago!

February-March 2023

Hah!  It doesn't work that way.  You can't just get money out of the blue unless you actually increase taxes or cut spending!  Joe is looking to tax the poor, but that is like getting red liquid from a turnip!  Taxing the poor leads to almost no revenue.  And since Joe refuses to tax the rich, the money will come from cuts in retirement benefits!

February-March 2023

Where is the government going to get the hundreds of billions of dollars out of the blue?  If they print the money it will lead to more inflation.  If they borrow the money it will lead to default because they can barely pay the interest as it is.  The Democrats refuse to actually raise taxes on the rich, but they have been passing tax laws against the poor that raise almost no money!  Believe me, if this "debt forgiveness" goes through this they will have no choice but to cut social security retirement benefits significantly!

February-March 2023

I don't believe that at all.  What you say is mostly a lie.  When they were debating the extra food stamps in 2020, the Democrats only wanted to give the extra food stamps to the people who could prove they had nothing left after paying for other living expenses.  But Trump said, "I want everyone who is eligible for food stamps to get the full extra amount!"  And thus if it wasn't for Trump, I would have been robbed of many thousands of dollars in extra food stamps!  But that's not all.  When Joe Biden got into office, the first thing he did was to pass a tax regulation that he claimed was to target the rich, But that was a big lie!  In reality, Joe Biden's $600 IRS regulation traps lower and middle income people and kills the side hustle for us!  Just ask the Economic Ninja, he was one of the first to report on that!  The truth is, that when it comes to student loans, Joe Biden falsely believes that he has the "power of the purse" and that he can just forgive hundreds of billions that people orginally agreed they would repay, with the stroke of a pen.  Yet when it comes to food stamps for lower income people, Joe Biden ended those as soon as he could!  I see the writting on the wall.  Joe Biden only tells the opposite of the truth and he is against lower income citizens!

February-March 2023

I hate to say it, but Jordan Peterson is wrong.  The reason why we cannot communicate with others is because the population has been fully brainwashed and they refuse to talk to anyone who does not accept the brainwashing!  I have solid proof of this.

February-March 2023

Well I just ordered a bottle of Grey Poupon from Amazon and they will deliver it for free on Thursday.  Then I will have all the ingredients to make vinaigrette dressings!  I will be losing over $200 per month in food stamps but I think there are people who are worse off than me.  I think there are people who may have no leftover money with which to buy food.  Mark my words, something bad will happen.  Maybe hundreds of thousands more will become homeless... or maybe crime and shoplifting will explode.  I think we may even have to fear possible assassination attempts.  But I want to urge the people who are effected by this to hold it together!  No matter what happens, Do Not Give Up Your Freedoms!  Perhaps the best result, would be a landslide against Joe Biden and all of those who were responsible for the cuts, come November 2024!

February-March 2023

Well it's true that if you have a limited amount of money, then you have to make cuts somewhere!  Joe Biden and the Democrats decided that they would rather spend money on things like going back to the moon, than on feeding the hungry.  Yeah (I'm being sarcastic) that's very nice. Another flag on the moon with Joe Biden's name on it while all of America's poor people curse him for cutting the safety net.    Of course there's another way to look at it.  

February-March 2023

The world we live in is all about making profit at other people's expense!  There is a lot of medical and dental malpractice, and many other things in this society are fake!  The vast majority of people do not speak out when they have been harmed because society usually puts the blame squarely on those patients or customers who have been harmed and says that the professionals can do no wrong!  Most people who speak out should expect that they would face censorship and extreme ridicule!  In some fields like mental health, they could either hold you against your will or make your life much more difficult if you speak out openly!  All we can do is try to avoid medications and treatments as much as possible, and look for natural cures ourselves!  If you happen to find a natural cure, most likely you will also be completely ignored and ridiculed in this corrupt society.  You see, other people have no concept of the idea of sharing information for the common good!  Other people think that everyone who shares anything must be "selling things"!  Recently, I had to get a root canal, and the tooth still hurts on occasion!  I will now have to do my own research!


February-March 2023

I understand what you are saying, that at a certain point it is probably too late.  However, I think that if you listen to what your body is telling you, you might sometimes get another chance!  I had to stop taking my blood pressure medicine a while ago, because it was causing a chronic cough.  However, I recently changed to a low sodium diet and my SYS blood pressure seems to have dropped 30 points.  Still, I know there are many more things I will need to do.  However, it seems to me the the high sodium content of many processed foods is probably a slow poison!

February-March 2023

Get Real.  The oceans are not going to boil!  Whoever said that was using a mathematical trick where they came up with an arbitrary exponential growth formula and extended it out hundreds of years.  Humanity would never be able to produce that much extra power, as it would require like a Billion nuclear power plants!

February-March 2023

I know what you mean exactly!  I used to think that the entire narrative about climate change was real, because the scientists supposedly support it!  But lately, I have come to realize, that Earth's climate has changed many, many times, in time spans ranging from 100 million years ago, to just a thousand years ago, and these changes were entirely natural!  So what I am saying is, that Earth has survived many massive climate changes, and it will survive this one too!  Personally, I like solar power and think its kind of neat, but, Even solar power would not even come close to solving the problem as it was framed by the climate change activists!  In fact, we would have to get rid of things like meat, and even concrete and cement according to them!

February-March 2023

I have often criticized the supposed Dunning-Kruger Effect.  I always used to think I was smart!  And the truth is, I was smart, but I was only "high school smart" and high school doesn't count to people!  As I have grown older, I know I have gained much knowledge about how this corrupt society really works!  But as I have in theory become much more "street smart", I increasingly feel like I am just a stupid idiot!  I shouldn't feel that way! It is just the Dunning-Kruger Effect that is causing me to feel stupid!

February-March 2023

What is wokeism?  I think I can tell you what it is and what it isn't!  First of all, what wokeism isn't:  Wokeism is NOT pro safety net!  In fact, the woke Democrats are cutting welfare, and they are generally increasing taxes on the poor.  Now I will tell you what wokeism is:  Wokeism says that if your children are confused, then they should be encouraged to become transgender and undergo experimental medical treatments!  Wokeism says that they want "repairations".  But they do not want repairations to help the average impoverished person.  They want "reparations" to turn a certain few families of minority backrounds into multi-millionares.  Finaly, Wokeism says that if you are a white male, then you are trash and should be a low wage laborer, But if you are a female, especially a minority female, then you should be helped to become an engineer!

February-March 2023

I will further add, that many things in modern medicine are essentially completely fake!  In other words, they prescribe drugs and procedures for no other reason than to make a profit!  You might ask, "well doesn't this waste money?"  The truth is that no one cares about wasting money!  The only goal is to drive up the profit numbers!  As you drive up the profit numbers with treatments that are completely fake and do nothing, you make the American economy look even more attractive to foreign investors!  Thus, the flood of foreign money into America to fund all of the fake things, is only increasing!

February-March 2023

The root of the problem, is that we live in a society where all that matters is profit!  Some doctors may look at the statistics, but profit is actually what drives the behaviors of the institutions!  The only reason this model where all that matters is profit can currently be sustained, is because the government is able to borrow unlimited amounts of money to spend on things like Medicare!  The politicians don't care how many trillions of dollars they waste, because they are given huge benefits by the lobbyists!  Unfortunately, there is actually no end in sight for this corrupt system, because over 90% of the world is helping to fund it by continuing to buy up U.S. dollars!

February-March 2023

It doesn't matter what color you are, the schools have been manipulating the test grades for decades!  But the worst thing of all is after you graduate, because employers demand skills with fancy names, none of which they teach in middle school or high school!  Yet the price of college isn't worth it either, so what are you going to do?  Many go to prison or on welfare!


February-March 2023

Yes, it is true that inflammation is the main cause of depression!  The problem facing big pharma, is that they have narrowly focused on drugs which mess with the brains receptors and cause chemical imbalances!  Furthermore, an anti-inflammatory agent more powerful than anything big pharma has developed, is widely available to anyone!  This agent is the common kitchen spice called Turmeric!


February-March 2023

I am rooting for Putin and I am not alone!  The corrupt semi-fascist American government and corporate employers have excluded roughly 20% of the working age population from the workforce!  They taught us a lot of general things in school but now, employers demand skills with fancy names that you have to pay tens of thousands to obtain!  We will not perish without a fight.  We will go down fighting the American wealthy semi-fascists!


February-March 2023

I am an amateur Doctor. If you are having chest pains, I think its a good idea to take an aspirin!  Not a stupid enteric aspirin, which might not even fully dissolve, but a regular tablet!  If your chest pains are very mild, then just take a half a tablet!  Why would I go to the hospital?  They might give me a stent which over time will cause the artery to close up with scar tissue!  No, I am a relatively young guy!  If I am having chest pains, I will take aspirin, and exercise and improve my diet and sleeping habits, until the chest pains get better!


​February 2023

Lastly, I wanted to share a couple secrets!  First of all, I wanted to say, that the cuts the Democrats are making certainly makes the Democrats look like big bullies!  But the truth is that it is all an illusion in The Matrix!  For all we can know, the Democrats aren't even real!  Of course, we still have to vote for all Republicans just in case!  Secondly, you can ignore the people saying to get a job!  I have 43 years of life experience, and I can tell you that those who disobey, are the ones who grow stronger!  You see, I learned in school more than 99% of the students, but they said I was worthless for lack of a college sheepskin.  In other words, I was apparently punished for learning in school!  But be clear, welfare itself is a reward, not a punishment!


A Post on Yahoo About Inflation and Underemployment:

My prediction has been that inflation will be much more difficult to tame than most economists expect!  I believe the reason is simple!  There are not enough people who are willing to work!  Now don't go blaming welfare for that.  Welfare and disability benefits are being gutted as we speak, but that is not really going to help!  There are only two things that will bring people back into the workforce!  Higher quality jobs, and much higher wages!  Employers need to be more open minded and willing to hire smart high school graduates!  Because after all, most potential workers do not have a college degree!


​February, 2023

Of course I am not black, but I demand reparations for several injustices that were done to me!  I demand reparations for having been bullied throughout my school years.  I demand reparations for the authorities violating my constitutional rights after claiming I have a mental illness.  I demand reparations for being taught zero job skills in nearly 15 years of public schooling! In fact that is just a partial list.  The truth is that there is not enough money to go around, so they are just going to make a few families into multi-millionaires and then say "reparations complete".  What they really need to do is fix America's social problems and provide real help for people to get back on their feet.


Posted on youtube channel Jake Broe

So first of all I wanted to say:  When people claim that the United States is a democracy, do they even know what the definition of a democracy is?  I think not!  The United States is no democracy.  They are a semi-fascist corporate oligarchy which only continues to exist because they somehow get the rest of the world to buy into the scam by buying U.S. dollars!  The American professionals portray an air of absolute confidence that nothing they do is ever wrong, but I can tell you that they are wrong about many, many things!  As for the details about how the Russian economy is doing, I could not tell you because I am not in Russia nor am I privy to that info.  However, Russia may find themselves doing better than expected if they free themselves from the yoke of the U.S. dollar!


posted on youtube channel Better Bachelor

This is a good question.  Although many of us have an instinct to try to "preserve the system", there is nothing that says we have to do that.  In fact, I believe that I have received subliminal or even telepathic messages, that say we are supposed to "hasten the demise of this system".  But it is not just as simple as making a choice.  Those who try to argue for sanity and reason are almost always ridiculed and ignored!  However, I have made my choice.  I will to a limited degree, try to help to preserve and fix this system, but only to a limited degree!  Most of the time, I will simply throw my hands up in the air and say, "There is nothing I can do.  Humanity will get what they deserve!"

Posted On Youtube Channel Neil McCoy-Ward

The elite assure us repeatedly, that everything is under control and that the economy has almost never been better.  The truth is that society as we know it is changing!  The root of the problem is that employers are no longer allowed to hire people based on what those people may have actually learned in school.  Instead, employers are forced to only hire people with college degrees or expensive post-high school training!  On top of that, the wealthy elite have taken over, and they don't want to pay their employees anything, and they don't care about educating the population!  All this has lead to both a worker shortage and an actual unemployment rate of 25 percent!  The lack of workers in turn has lead to inflation which is not going to come under control for a long time!

Posted on Youtube Channel JosiahRises, on video about Will Smith's son

Well you know, people used to slap each other on television all the time. And in the past, people would sometimes duel to the death. But in our modern society of extreme inequality, the elite have become hyper concerned about potential violence. Perhaps they fear deep down, that America with its extreme inequality could ignite like a powder keg. When I was growing up, they said to fight tyranny with violence if necessary. Today the elite say that all forms of violence are totally unacceptable. They have even programmed their "Chat GPT" Bot to say that violence is never acceptable. The wealthy elite are trying frantically to change the culture from the top down, because they fear violence most of all as a threat to their societal dominance and control. That said, I think Will Smith took the old TV shows depicting violence a little too seriously.

Posted on Youtube Channel JosiahRises, on video about Will Smith's son

There is nothing in the video.  It is just a young man crying to the tune of sad sounding music.  There is no reason to assume anything.  That said, normally if one was to post a video showing an emotional outburst, it would be a good idea to give some explanation for such a display.

Posted on Youtube Chanel Fox News, on video by Tucker Carlson

It is possible that there were toxic effects from the burning of the chemicals.  That should be investigated.  However, think about it from a science standpoint.  The leaking tankers were on fire, and the chemical they contained was not just an ordinary liquid!  In fact, Vinyl Chloride has a boiling point of 8 degrees Fahrenheit.  What else could they have done?  It would not have been possible to siphon it up out of the ditch, because it would have boiled away almost as soon as it was released.  On top of that, No worker in their right mind would want to go close to a leaking tanker that could erupt in a ball of flames at any time!  Maybe they should have done what Russia did in Chernobyl, and send in soldiers who might have been burned to death.  Right?  Not right.
